Hydration Tips: Beyond Just Sipping Water

“Be sure to drink your water!” I’m sure your mother’s voice rings through your head when hearing or reading that statement. But did you know hydration goes much further than sippin’ on that Stanley Cup? Here, we are diving into the best hydration tips for that peak summer heat.

Hydrating Foods

Fruits and Vegetables

High-water-content fruits like oranges and watermelon are great ways to stay hydrated and attempt to beat the heat. Cucumbers are another awesome way to get in some of your daily fiber, along with a ton of H2O.

Smoothies and Juices

If you want the benefits from the fruits and veggies in drink form, you’re in luck! Make a delicious, nutritious, hydrating smoothie! Blend together strawberries, watermelon, blueberries, ice, and coconut water for a tasty treat!


You can also find incredible hydrating juices. No, not Minute Maid, rather, fresh squeezed. These juices are often combined with the most hydrating fruits and vegetables for their exceptional properties.

Hydration-Boosting Beverages

Herbal Teas

Not only are these teas super satisfying, but they can be incredibly hydrating. You don’t have to drink piping hot tea, either. You can steep your tea, allow it to sit, and pour over ice for a cooling drink. Look for teas that contain rooibos, chamomile, and peppermint.

Coconut Water

Coconut water is extremely hydrating—it’s one of the most hydrating drinks you can have. Although some say it has a unique flavor, once you get used to it, you’ll wonder why you haven’t been drinking this all along!


Hydrating Tips for On-the-Go

Electrolyte Drinks

Before you think you’re just way too busy to be worried or bothered about your hydration, there are even simpler options than cutting up fruits and veggies and infusing water.  Try electrolyte drinks like Gatorade, Body Armours, or powder mixes like Liquid IV that you can add to your personal water bottle.

Daily Habits For Better Hydration

  • Be sure to drink before, after, and even during workout sessions.
  • Be consistent. Be sure to keep water or your electrolyte drink with you at all times.
  • Take advantage of technology. Set a timer or use apps to track and monitor your hydration.

The Benefits of Consistent Hydration

Bain Performance

Adequate hydration causes the brain to perform at high capacity. When dehydrated, you can have memory issues, a hard time concentrating, and even a sour mood.



Not only can hydration give you a boost in energy, but it can also improve your endurance, allowing you to finish off the day strong!


Joint Health

Water lubricates and cushions joints, which is why staying hydrated during activities is so important. It can also aid in preventing arthritis.



Skip the expensive creams and serums! Staying hydrated allows the skin to flush out toxins and leave you with a beautiful glow and elasticity even in your older years.



If you are prone to headaches, this could be your body telling you to boost your water intake! Staying properly hydrated will prevent those annoying headaches from ruining your day.

Wrapping Up Hydration Tips

Staying hydrated is pretty simple when you follow the tips and tricks mentioned in this article. You’ll also love reaping the benefits of your daily water intake.


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