How To Create The Perfect Breakfast Sandwich

Taking a bite into a freshly made breakfast sandwich is truly a morning delight. But what makes the perfect breakfast sandwich? Is it a perfectly runny egg? The toasted bread? Or the crisp bacon? Here, we are diving into how to create that mouthwatering breakfast sandwich.

Choosing the Right Bread

The perfect breakfast sandwich starts with the right bread, which holds everything together in perfect harmony. This part can be a bit of a personal preference, though.


You can’t go wrong with a gently toasted english muffin with the crevices to perfectly cradle egg yolk or a thick slice of sourdough that can get that ideal crisp crunch. There are also whole wheat breads or buttery croissants.


Depending on your taste, this part of your sandwich can look different, or you may like to swap it out and change up your perfect morning sandwich.

Picking The Best Protein

Every breakfast sandwich needs protein. Eggs, cheese, bacon, sausage, turkey alternatives, even vegetarian or vegan options—the list is endless.


First, determine the type of egg. Most breakfast sandwiches contain an over-easy or overmedium egg, but there are also poached or scrambled eggs. Either way, you can’t go wrong with the classic, but it’s fun to switch it up!


Next, choose your favorite meat or vegetarian option. This can be turkey bacon, sausage patties, ham, or vegetarian patties. Make sure whatever you choose is perfectly cooked before adding to your sandwich.


Lastly, the cheese. You want to choose a melty cheese that will easily melt over your eggs and protein choices. The best cheeses for this are American, Swiss, and provolone.

Adding Some Veggie Goodness

Not everyone’s perfect sandwich includes some green goodness, but there are many options to add a bit of a boost to the morning.


Some classic options are spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions, but you can get creative and add anything to bulk up the veggie content. You can roast or grill to bring different flavors like a Southwest or Mediterranean theme. Whatever you do, it’s bound to be delicious.

Spreads and Other Condiments

The final piece of the breakfast sandwich puzzle is adding condiments or spreads. This can be as simple as a bit of fresh mayo or a beautifully prepared avocado spread.


These are used to enhance the flavor of all the sandwich components. Choose condiments like Alois, flavored mayos, and pestos. Be sure not to choose something that is too overpowering— just enough to add some extra flavor.

Wrapping Up The Perfect Breakfast Sandwich

There you have it—all the tricks you need to create the perfect breakfast sandwich! Of course, a lot of these are personal preferences, and you can switch up the flavor combinations to keep it interesting! The best part is you’ll never get bored with so many ways to change up your morning breakfast.


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